About Me

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Hi and welcome to the HungryRover! My name is Razia.

Having lived all my life in my home town, Pune (in India), I moved to the UK in 2008 to find myself, to become independent and to experience a different culture. That was 7years ago. I’ve decided it’s time for yet another revolution.
Armed with a British passport and an intense desire to get away from a pressure-cooker life in London, I have embarked on (what I am hoping is) a life changing adventure.
I have quit my job as Head of Quality Assurance and I’ve left behind my life in London for open-ended travel and nomadic wandering. The plan is to have no plan, to travel till I run out of money (while taking each day as it comes) and see where life takes me.

A few things I want to do while I am away are: Travel LOADS, eat delicious food (duh), (finally) start a recipe blog, learn how to swim and also do some self-studying.

A bit about my relationship with food. I LOVE to cook. I LOVE to eat. Period.
In the past 7-8years I’ve developed a lot of food intolerances and I’ve had to wade through some severe dietary restrictions to keep the intolerances under check. This has been a ‘blessing in disguise’ and it has completely redefined my relationship with food. I’ve gone from being only taste-conscious (and literally not giving a damn about nutrition) to being very health conscious. I am now always on the look out for a meal which is healthy, tasty and easy to cook. In short, I am either cooking or eating or thinking about my next meal or dreaming up recipes.

So, to bring together my two passions, travel and food, I’ve started this blog to record my adventures and to keep my friends and family up-to-date and also to put together my favourite recipes.

I hope you enjoy traveling and eating with me!